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Management Accountant and Divisional Finance Partner

In this example, you would work closely with the head of finance and:

  • establish systems and processes to enable the timely and accurate delivery of monthly management accounts and budget information
  • be involved in the annual budget setting process
  • provide ongoing support and direction for the budget holders
  • investigate and report on variances
  • be involved in ad hoc projects and reports (eg contributing to the five-year business planning processes and large scale business cases for build projects and transforming service delivery)
  • work with budget managers on cost improvement and service transformation projects

As a Divisional Finance Partner you will do all of the above, but as part of a multi-disciplinary team within a clinical area of the organisation. The make up of the team is similar to that of an Exec Board with a lead Consultant, lead Nurse/Midwife/AHP, General Manager and a HR Lead and will cover an area such as Elective Care, Family Health or Diagnostics.