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Entry requirements:

The initiative aims to support young people aged 18+ from low-income families, and applicants interested must meet the following criteria:

  • Attending state school or college, or have done within the past two years, minimum Grade C / 4 in GCSE Maths is desirable but not essential, and
  • Not planning on attending university, and
  • The occupation of your main household earner is categorised as a lower socio-economic background*, or
  • Have been eligible for free school meals** at any point in the previous six years

*Parental occupation classification is a national standard, and the Social Mobility Work’s toolkit (found here) provides details on the categorisations. “Lower socio-economic” typically refers to individuals or groups who have lower income, less educational attainment, and often work in lower-paying or less stable jobs.

**Free School Meals are a statutory benefit available to school-aged children from families who receive other qualifying benefits and who have been through the relevant registration process. It does not include those who receive meals at school through other means e.g., boarding school.

This promotional brochure outlines the scheme’s benefits and application process.

Scheme delivery:

It started as a pilot scheme with five young people in London in 2023, with four out of the five participants subsequently taking permanent roles in NHS finance. Fast forward to the current year and there are 38 young people who began placements in September 2024 all across the country. 46 NHS organisations have signed up to host a total of 47 placement students starting from this September.

Applications are now open and close on May 23, 2025. Apply via this form here. 

Follow the NHS Insights LinkedIn page here.

Quotes from placement students

“I have had great experience in different areas of finance from Contracting, Management Accounts, Capital and more. Overall, I am having a blast and am treated like an adult with real responsibility and have been trusted with more tasks over the scheme duration and as my skills have improved.” Ellis Cook, Insights Placement Student, Humber Health Partnership.

“This opportunity is a great way to explore different areas in finance and gain a good understanding of how the NHS operates and indirectly affects patients.” Zenam Mahmood, Insights Placement Student, The Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals.

Resources and Case Studies