The NHS supports individuals working towards their professional qualifications with study leave, financial support toward the cost of the qualification and with access to accredited courses towards your CPD requirements. Whether or not you want to undertake a professional qualifications there is a range of development opportunities available to you to support you in achieving your career goals.
The Skills Development Network (SDN) provide learning materials and courses covering a range of topics including both technical accountancy skills and softer personal development skills.
Future-Focused Finance (FFF) provides access to networks to support you in all aspects of your career and to help you share what you know with others.
There is also a National Finance Academy which aims to ensure there is an inclusive, comprehensive, and structured training and development offering for all finance staff in England. The Academy is your ‘one stop shop’ to access opportunities from all delivery partners, helping to reduce duplication or confusion of offerings. Its aim is to ensure that you are nurtured and valued in your roles, access inclusive cultures with great support, and have opportunities made available to help you to realise your potential.
The Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA) is the professional body for finance staff working in healthcare. For 70 years it has provided independent support and guidance to its members and the wider healthcare community.
As well as the above bodies which work hard to provide a wide range of access to development tools and courses there is also the benefit of working with supportive peers and the availability of coaching and mentoring.
Opportunities in your local organisation to shadow other team members or to take short-term placement or secondments in other teams can help to develop your career and gain a range of experience.