Q&A With Jeff Buggle
Why choose a finance career in the NHS?
I joined NHS finance as a trainee management accountant on leaving school because it enabled me to study to become an accountant at the same time providing experience in the workplace. NHS Finance training provides a breadth of exposure to different aspects of accountancy which was not matched by other training programmes.
What distinguishes a finance career in the NHS from other sectors or institutions?
Its difficult to answer this because I have only worked in the public sector throughout my career, however its difficult to imagine any other career providing the opportunity to work with such remarkable and dedicated people as the NHS who do such important and amazing jobs. During my career I have been privileged to meet and work alongside so truly inspiring people who have made such a difference to the public we serve.
What does it mean to you to work for the NHS, particularly amid the pandemic?
I think we have seen how amazing the NHS is, and its staff are during the pandemic and with the Thursday night clapping and other gestures how much the public value the role the NHS plays in people’s lives. Within NHS Finance, we have seen our colleagues move into different roles and provide support to different areas which demonstrates the commitment of staff but also the strength and adaptability of accounting training
How does NHS finance impact and support the frontline of the service?
NHS finance has always worked extremely closely with clinicians and others within frontline services and through their training, expertise and judgement contributed to frontline teams. The best NHS finance staff I have worked with have both understood the pressures faced in frontline services ultimately and worked side by side with clinicians.
Can you describe the career path and options for NHS finance staff?
As well a specific training schemes such as FMTS which provide a structured training programme, people can also join any NHS finance department directly. Either option offers a wealth of work based development opportunities as well as providing training support towards a recognised finance qualification.